
Cllr Michael Moran (Leader of the Council)

Cllr Ish Mistry (Deputy Leader of the Council and portfolio holder for finance, performance, legal and governance)

Cllr Barbara Brown - portfolio holder for organisational change

Cllr Claire Edwards - portfolio holder for communities and homes, regulation and safety

Cllr Alison Livesey - portfolio holder for operations and traded services

Cllr Maggie O'Rourke - portfolio holder for partnerships and wellbeing

Cllr Louise Robinson - portfolio holder for growth, investment, digital and communications

View cabinet meeting papers

Licensing and safety committee

Councillors Garcia (Chair), D Keeling (Vice Chair), Barnett, Dumbleton, Henderson, J Keeling, Lewis, O'Rourke, Parker, Sayani, Srivastava and Thomas.


Planning committee

Councillors Gillias (Chair), Sandison (Vice Chair), S Edwards, Freeman, Harrington, Howling, Karadiar, Lawrence, Maoudis, Russell, Srivastava and Thomas.




Scrutiny committee

Councillors Timms (Chair), Lawrence (Vice Chair), S Edwards, Freeman, Hassell, New, Parker, Sayani and Srivastava.

Shareholders committee

Councillors Howling, D Keeling, McKenzie, Moran and O'Rourke.

Named substitutes to be confirmed.