Bloom judges take flower powered tour of the town

JUDGES from Heart of England in Bloom have been treated to a tour of the town.
17 lipca 2015

The judges visited Rugby on Tuesday 7 July and toured a number of the town's horticultural highlights, including Caldecott Park, Rugby School, Swift Valley Country Park and the garden at Henry Hinde Infant School.

The tour also included a visit to the flagship green space currently being developed at Parkfield Road, Newbold.

While at Caldecott Park the judges found out more about the council's innovative Edible Borders gardening project, which encourages residents to grow fruit and vegetables in community plots.

And the green-fingered team at Individual Support Solutions (ISS), who tend one of the plots at the park, were on hand to hail the benefits of 'growing your own.'

Cllr Lisa Parker, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for sustainable environment, said: "Heart of England in Bloom and the council's own Rugby in Bloom contests bring our community together to help make the borough a brighter, better place to live.

"I'm delighted the judges found Rugby at its blooming best during the tour, a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the council's parks and open spaces team, schools, volunteers, businesses and community organisations."

Heart of England in Bloom, part of the Royal Horticultural Society's Britain in Boom campaign, encourages communities to transform the environment through gardening.

Rugby has won a gold award at Heart of England in Bloom seven years in a row and this year has the honour of hosting the awards ceremony, which takes place in September.