Consultation launched to develop new masterplan for Hillmorton Recreation Ground

A PUBLIC consultation has been launched to give residents the chance to have a say on the future of Hillmorton Recreation Ground.
06 marca 2019

Rugby Borough Council has called on the community to take part in the consultation to help draw up a new masterplan for the recreation ground, outlining potential improvements.

The consultation follows the demolition of the recreation ground's pavilion in December. The pavilion, built in the 1960s, had fallen into a state of disrepair and become a target for vandals.

The council undertook a refurbishment of Hillmorton Recreation Ground in Featherbed Lane in 2005, and in recent years the skate park, play area and pathways have been refurbished.

Cllr Lisa Parker, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and public realm, said: "Now the pavilion has been demolished we can start to look to the future of Hillmorton Recreation Ground, developing a new masterplan to outline potential improvements.

"Just as when we undertook the refurbishment of the recreation ground 14 years ago, we want to involve residents in this process and the consultation marks a first opportunity to voice ideas and help us identify improvements the community want."

Residents can take part in the consultation online at 

The consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 23 April.