Council launches consultations on planning documents

RUGBY Borough Council has launched public consultations on planning documents which support the borough's Local Plan.
07 października 2022

The consultations on the Climate Change and Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the Gypsy and Travellers Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) Issues and Options, and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule launched today (Friday).

The Climate Change and Sustainable Construction SPD provides a framework for sustainable design and construction to support the borough's target to become carbon neutral by 2050.

The SPD offers guidance to developers on a wide range of environmental issues, including energy efficiency, building design, mitigating flood risk, delivering green infrastructure and boosting biodiversity.

The 'issues and options' consultation marks the first stage of developing the council's Gypsy and Travellers Site Allocations DPD.

Rugby borough's Local Plan included a policy to provide pitches for the gypsy and traveller communities - a requirement under the National Planning Policy Framework.

The 'issues and options' consultation seeks feedback from residents, relevant organisations and statutory consultees on both the current and future demand for temporary, 'transit' pitches and permanent accommodation in the borough - and incorporates a 'call for sites', where developers, landowners and the public can nominate sites for potential development.

The consultation on the council's CIL Draft Charging Schedule incorporates a Developer Contributions SPD.

Similar to section 106 agreements, the CIL allows the council to secure contributions from developers to fund infrastructure such as schools, health facilities and green spaces.

While section 106 agreements only apply to developments of 11 or more dwellings, the CIL can be applied to all residential developments.

The draft charging schedule sets out the proposed rates to be charged under the CIL, while the Developer Contributions SPD outlines when the council intends to use section 106 agreements and when it intends to use the CIL.

Residents can find out more information about all three consultations - and submit responses - on the council's website:

The consultations close at 5pm on Friday 18 November.

Cllr Ian Picker, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for growth and investment, said: "Public consultation plays an important role in the development of our planning policies and documents, and the three consultations we have launched today support the council's ongoing work to deliver sustainable development in the borough.

"It's important residents and all interested parties take the opportunity to provide feedback during these consultations so we can develop the right planning documents for Rugby and our rural communities."