change makers

Change Makers teaches Warwickshire families about good nutrition, keeping activie and other healthy living topics. Change Makers is a FREE service for anyone with a child aged 4 to 19, or up to 25 for individuals with SEND.

We offer one-to-one support, parent/carer workshops through a seven-week programme. The whole family can get involved in fun activities like preparing and tasting food and playing games, as well as learning lots of practical advice and tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Seven week programme

The programme leads you through a series of topics focusing on a different aspect of a healthy lifestyle each week including trying new foods, cooking some healthy recipes and playing games as a family. 

Parent/carer workshops

The parent/carer workshop is a one-off hour-long session providing you with an overview of living a healthy lifestyle. The workshop will provide you with some useful practical tips that you can implement in your daily life. 

One-to-one appointment 

One-to-one appointments are offered to families with children that have complex needs or where our group sessions may not be appropriate. You will be taken through the same content as our 7-week programme with one of our lifestyle advisors. 

School delivery 

Change Makers also work within schools providing courses and workshops.

Change Makers is part of Rugby Borough Council and Warwickshire School Health and Wellbeing Service.

Get Involved

To find out more or take part please contact us on 03300 245 204 or email