New leader for Rugby Borough Council 

Cllr Seb Lowe, councillor for Coton and Boughton Ward, has been elected Leader of Rugby Borough Council.
16 maja 2019

He was elected at the Annual General Meeting of the borough council held this morning (16 May 2019).

In a speech to the meeting, Cllr Lowe told councillors that he intended to focus council resources on supporting the Rugby town centre. Appropriate policies in the council’s emerging Local Plan, partnership work with Rugby First and other organisations working on Destination Management, and other appropriate measures will give the town centre the best possible opportunity to thrive.

Speaking afterwards, Cllr Lowe said: “It is a privilege to lead the borough council, and I look forward to meeting the challenges that the role will bring.

We have experienced and motivated councillors from all parties, and I hope that we will all be able to work together and do what is right for Rugby.

“With excellent, professional officers who share that passion for doing the best we can, I am sure that we will be able to work together and deliver for the people of Rugby.”

Cllr Lowe has appointed a new Deputy Leader and Cabinet. Cllr Derek Poole is the council’s Deputy Leader, and Cllr Emma Crane remains Cabinet portfolio holder for Communities and Homes. Cllr Jill Simpson-Vince takes on Cllr Lowe’s previous Cabinet portfolio of Growth and Investment, and Cllr Howard Roberts is appointed to the Cabinet as portfolio holder for Environment and Public Realm. Cllr Carolyn Robbins remains Cabinet portfolio holder for Corporate Resources.