Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R105

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R105 Coton) Public Path Order 2023

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 4 December 2024.

The effect of the order as confirmed will:

Stop up part of footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997) south approximately 190 metres to Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845) and create a new footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997), curving easterly for approximately 18 metres to Point C (Grid Reference 452317 279002), turning south for approximately 156 metres to Point D (Grid reference 452422 278891), curving east for approximately 52 metres to Point E (Grid reference 452471 278896), turning east for approximately 49 metres to Point F (Grid reference 452428 278874), and finally turning south-west for approximately 37 metres to rejoin the existing footpath at Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845). 

Download a copy of the order and the order map

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

The order comes into force on 17 February 2025 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Dated: 13 February 2025


Notice of making a Public Path Order - R168Y (October 2024)

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R105 Coton) Public Path Order 2024

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

The above order made on 17 October 2024 under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will:

Stop up footpath from point A (grid reference 446290 272230), north easterly for approximately 494 metres to Point B (grid reference 446578 271830) and create a new footpath from Point D (grid reference 446308 272296) on Bridleway R168x east for approximately 163 metres to Point E (grid reference 446466 272298), turning south for approximately 99 metres to Point F (grid reference 446491 272167), curving slightly westerly for approximately 25 metres to Point G (grid reference 446485 272111), curving south easterly for approximately 60 metres to Point H (grid reference 446480 272062) and southerly for approximately 300 metres to Point C (grid reference 446475 271820).

Download a copy of the order and order map

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

Any representations about - or objections to - the order should be sent in writing addressed to the Chief Officer Legal and Governance, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, no later than 15 November 2024 and should state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Rugby Borough Council may confirm the order as an unopposed order.  If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.

Notice of making a Public Path Order - R105 (September 2024)

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R105 Coton) Public Path Order 2024

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

The above order made on 25 September 2024 under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will:

Stop up part of part of footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997) south approximately 190 metres to Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845) and create a new footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997), curving easterly for approximately 18 metres to Point C (Grid Reference 452317 279002), turning south for approximately 156 metres to Point D (Grid reference 452422 278891), curving east for approximately 52 metres to Point E (Grid reference 452471 278896), turning east for approximately 49 metres to Point F (Grid reference 452428 278874), and finally turning south-west for approximately 37 metres to rejoin the existing footpath at Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845).

Download a copy of the order and order map

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

Any representations about - or objections to - the order should be sent in writing addressed to the Chief Officer Legal and Governance, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, no later than 25 October 2024 and should state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Rugby Borough Council may confirm the order as an unopposed order.  If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.

Notice of making a Public Path Order - R105 (July 2024)

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R105 Coton) Public Path Order 2024

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

The above order made on the 24 July 2024 under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will:

Stop up part of footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997) south approximately 190 metres to Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845) and create a new footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 452301 278997) curving easterly for approximately 18 metres to Point C (Grid Reference 452317 279002), turning south for approximately 156 metres to Point D (Grid reference 452422 278891), curving east for approximately 52 metres to Point E (Grid reference 452471 278896), turning east for approximately 49 metres to Point F (Grid reference 452428 278874), and finally turning south-west for approximately 37 metres to rejoin the existing footpath at Point B (Grid Reference 452407 278845).

Download a copy of the order and the order map

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

Any representations about - or objections to - the order should be sent in writing addressed to the Chief Officer Legal and Governance, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, no later than 23 August 2024 and should state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Rugby Borough Council may confirm the order as an unopposed order.  If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.

Notice of making a Public Path Order - R190

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R190 Bourton-on-Dunsmore) Public Path Order 2024

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

The above order made on the 12 April 2024 under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will:

Stop up part of footpath from point A (grid reference 43370 70627), curving westerly for approximately 87 metres to Point B (grid reference 43295 70638), turning northerly for approximately 12 metres to Point C (grid reference 43270 70638) and creating a new footpath from Point A (grid reference 43370 70627) westerly for approximately 21 metres to Point D (grid reference 43345 70634), turning northerly for approximately 24 metres to Point E (grid reference 43340 70658).

Download the Public Path Order 

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

Any representations about - or objections to - the order should be sent in writing addressed to the Chief Officer Legal and Governance, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, no later than 10 May 2024 and should state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Rugby Borough Council may confirm the order as an unopposed order.  If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R282

The Borough of Rugby (part of footpath R282 Stretton Baskerville) Public Path Order 2022

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 257

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 7 February 2024.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up part of footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 439651 292408) north
easterly for approximately 764 metres to Point G (Grid Reference 440215 292852)
and create a new footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 439651 292408) easterly
for approximately 21 metres to Point B (Grid Reference 439672 292409), continuing
easterly for approximately 552 metres to Point C (Grid Reference 440198 292578)
before curving north for approximately 82 metres to Point D (Grid Reference 440229
292645), heading north for approximately 60 metres to Point E (Grid Reference
440217 292701), turning north easterly for approximately 142 metres to Point F (Grid
Reference 440323 292794).

Download a map of the Public Path Order

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

The order comes into force on 4 March 2024 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R222

The Borough of Rugby (Part of bridleway R222 Leamington Hastings) Public Path Order 2021

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 19 July 2023.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up part of bridleway from Point A (Grid Reference 444185 265981) south for approximately 212 metres to Point B (Grid Reference 444158 265725) and create a new Bridleway turning west from Point A for approximately 114 metres to Point E (Grid Reference 444071 265977), turning south for approximately 150 metres to Point F (Grid Reference 444064 265826), turning south easterly for approximately 118 metres to Point G (Grid Reference 44151 265727), turning east for approximately 6 metres to rejoin the existing bridleway at Point B.

Download a map of the Public Path Order - R222 Leamington Hastings

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

The order comes into force on 3 August 2023 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Notice of making a Public Path Order - R168Y (February 2014)

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R168Y) Public Path Order 2024

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

The above Order made on the 14 February 2024 under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will: 

Stop up part of footpath from point A grid reference 446290 272230 north easterly for approximately 494 metres to Point B grid reference 446578 271830 and create a new footpath from Point D grid reference 446307 272294 on Bridleway R168x east for approximately 163 metres to Point E grid reference 446464 272293 turning south for approximately 99 metres to Point F grid reference 446480 272195 curving slightly easterly for approximately 25 metres to Point G grid reference 446485 272171 curving south westerly for approximately 60 metres to Point H grid reference 446484 272114 curving south easterly for approximately 70 metres to Point I grid reference 446477 272056 then south for approximately 237 metres to Point C grid reference 446473 271820.

Download the map of the Public Path Order - R168Y

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email 

Any representations about or objections to the Order may be sent in writing addressed to the Chief Officer Legal and Governance, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby not later than 14 March 2024 and should state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Rugby Borough Council may confirm the order as an unopposed order.  If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the Order.

Dated 14 February 2024

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R163 and R163c

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Bridleway R163 and Footpath R163c) Public Path Order 2021

Town and County Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 21 July 2021.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up existing bridleway from Point A/G (Grid reference 443133 271540) southerly for approximately 211 metres to Point H (Grid reference 443248 271364), continuing south for approximately 283 metres to Point N (Grid reference 443327 271079) and create a new bridleway from Point A/G Grid (reference 443133 271540) westerly for approximately 92 metres to Point F (Grid reference 443049 271508), turning south for approximately 228 metres to Point E (Grid reference 443152 271302), turning easterly for approximately 42 metres to Point D (Grid reference 443193 271323), then south easterly for approximately 74 metres to Point C (Grid reference 443257 271290), turning southerly for approximately 204 metres and finally turning easterly for approximately 16 metres to Point N (Grid reference 443327 271079).

Stop up the existing footpath From Point I (Grid reference 443381 271431) westerly for approximately 139 metres to Point H (Grid reference 443248 271364) and create a new footpath from Point I (Grid reference 443381 271431) south-westerly for approximately 44 metres to Point J (Grid reference 443347 271401), continuing westerly for approximately 42 metres to Point K (Grid reference 443306 271382), turning south westerly for approximately 87 metres to Point L (Grid reference 443281 271300), turning west for approximately 26 metres to Point C (Grid reference 443257 271290).   

Download a map of the Public Path Order - R163 and R163c

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR during office hours. Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email

The order comes into force on 30 July 2021 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R102

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R102) Public Path Order 2018

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 23 May 2018.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up part of Bridleway R102 from point A (Grid reference 450911 279329) in an easterly direction for approximately 528 metres to point B (Grid 451418 279335), creating a new bridleway from point A (Grid reference 450911 279329) north and then easterly direction for approximately 62 metres to point C (Grid Reference 450954 279363), then north for approximate 182 metres to point D (Grid Reference 450980 279569), turning easterly for approximately 160 metres to point E (Grid reference 451146 279546), turning southerly and curving easterly for approximately 50 metres to point F (Grid reference 451166 279503), continuing southerly for approximately 80 metres to point G (Grid reference 451174 279417), turning easterly for approximately 60 metres to point H (Grid Reference 451228 279419), turning southerly for approximately 20 metres to point I (Grid Reference 451229 279409), then easterly for approximately 60 metres to point J (Grid reference 451296 279420), turning northerly for approximately 100 metres to point K (Grid Reference 451290 279504),  then easterly for approximately 130 metres to point L (Grid reference 451432 279476), finally turning south easterly for approximately 29 metres to point M (Grid Reference 451461 279425).

Download the map of the Public Path Order - R102

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email 

The order comes into force on 8 June 2018 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R103

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R103) Public Path Order 2018

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 23 May 2018.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up part of bridleway R103 from point A (Grid Reference 451044,278496) running north for approximately three metres to point B (Grid Reference 451044, 278499), running east for approximately 24 metres to point C (Grid Reference 451065,278496), continuing generally easterly for approximately 125 metres to point D (Grid Reference 451192,278510) and creating a new bridleway from point A (Grid Reference 451044,278496) running easterly for approximately 50 metres to point G (Grid Reference 451094,278489), turning easterly for approximately 15 metres to point H (Grid Reference 451108,278488), then south easterly for approximately 16 metres to point J (Grid Reference 451124,278484) continuing easterly for approximately 26 metres to point K (Grid Reference 451152,278486), curving north easterly for approximately 40 metres to point L (Grid Reference 451186,278502) and finally northerly for approximately nine metres to point D. 

Download the map of the Public Path Order - R103

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email 

The order comes into force on 8 June 2018 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.

Notice of confirmed Public Path Order - R216

The Borough of Rugby (Part of Footpath R103) Public Path Order 2018

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 257)

Rugby Borough Council confirmed the above named order on 10 October 2018.

The order, as confirmed, will:

Stop up part of Bridleway R216 from Point A (Grid Reference 267819, 441802914) running northerly for approximately seven metres to Point B (Grid Reference 26782576, 441806074) turning easterly for approximately 158 metres to Point C (Grid Reference 267752400,441946485) and then turning southerly for approximately 35 metres to point D (Grid Reference 26772114,441930168) and create a new footpath from Point A (Grid Reference 267819, 441802914) south easterly for approximately 161 metres to Point D (Grid Reference 26772114,441930168).

Download the map of the Public Path Order - R216

A copy of the order and the order map can also be viewed at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Copies of the order and map can also be purchased for a fee of £5. Email 

The order comes into force on 26 October 2018 but any person aggrieved by the order who wishes to question its validity, or the validity of any of its provisions, on the grounds the order falls outside the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or on the ground any requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the order, can appeal to the High Court under section 287 of the Act within six weeks of the publication date of the notice.