Rugby launches new Customer Contact Management system

Rugby Borough Council has announced the launch of a new Customer Contact Management application, demonstrating its commitment to improving customer experience and delivering efficiencies.
04 czerwca 2021

The Customer Contact Management system has been co-designed by council staff and developed in partnership with Placecube. The new digital platform supports the council’s ambition to redesign services around its users, providing more intuitive and intelligent online experiences for its customers and for its workforce and to release savings. Initial work is focused on integrating web content management and online self-service systems into a single product alongside the new Customer Contact Management application. 

Cllr Emma Crane, Rugby Borough Council cabinet member for Communities, Homes, Digital and Communications, said: "The launch of our new Customer Contact Management (CCM) application is the first step on transforming how councils deliver services.

“Local authority systems historically have been built and designed to deliver individual services, but rarely work together well and don’t always focus on the customer experience.

“Working with Placecube, the team has started from scratch to create a Customer Contact Management application. The next step will be to integrate it with new web content management and online self-service systems.

The new system is all about putting the customer at the heart of our online services - making it as simple as possible for people to access council services when they need them, at a time that works for them.  It’ll also allow departments to link up and share information more easily.

“This is just the start of a journey that is about ensuring that our ambitions for continuous improvement are fulfilled which is demonstrated, in part, by our commitment to open-source development and re-use which allows us to build services faster.

“I would like to recognise the commitment of the council teams involved in this project, particularly through the unprecedented demands of recent times.”

Jason Fahy, Placecube Chief Executive, commented: “We’re delighted with the results of this first collaborative project with Rugby Borough Council. The Customer Contact Management product is testament to the hard work and dedication of our joint teams and we are excited about the benefits this will now bring to the council, and the wider public sector - an open-source application, designed by local government, for local government.

“Rugby Borough Council is acting out its commitment to rethinking how services are best delivered to their customers and how they best support their team to provide great service – CCM is a significant step forward on that journey and one we are proud to be associated with. 

“This is another great example of how our platform, Digital Place, is shaping and being shaped by how the local authorities digitally deliver their services.”