Rugby's Webb Ellis Cup yarn-bombed for Dementia Action Week

RUGBY'S iconic Webb Ellis Cup has been yarn-bombed with forget-me-nots to mark Dementia Action Week.
19 maja 2021

The Mayor of Rugby, Cllr Bill Lewis, and the Mayoress, Sue Lewis, were invited to unveil the yarn-bombing on Monday (17 May) by the Rugby Dementia Friendly Community, which works to increase understanding and awareness of dementia in the borough.

The community recruited a team of volunteers to knit, crochet and paint more than 1,200 forget-me-nots, which now decorate the town centre's Webb Ellis Cup, statue of William Webb Ellis and crown planter.

The Alzheimer's Society, which organises Dementia Action Week, features a forget-me-not in its logo and the flower has become a symbol of understanding of the condition and support for the society's work.

Cllr Lewis, who has supported Rugby Dementia Support throughout his Mayoral term, said: "Nearly one million UK residents currently live with dementia, with nearly 210,000 residents set to develop the condition this year alone - one every three minutes.

"Rugby Dementia Friendly Community and its team of supporters and volunteers have created a fantastic focal point in the town to mark Dementia Action Week, and I'm sure it will raise the public's awareness of the condition and where to find help and advice when needed."

In addition to the team of volunteers, the yarn-bombing project was supported by Rugby Borough Council, Brethertons Solicitors, Anya Court Care Home, The Rugby Register and Vasstech Auto Services, which helped paint the wooden flowers.

Residents can find out more about Rugby Dementia Friendly Community on Facebook -

For information, advice and emotional support, call the Alzheimer Society's national dementia helpline on 0300 222 1122.