Ward Walk for Rugby's Benn Ward 

RUGBY Borough Council is hosting a Ward Walk for residents of Rugby’s Benn Ward with Warwickshire Police.
19 lipca 2023

The Ward Walk will see a number of council teams and partners come together to understand issues affecting residents. It will be based at the Millennium Green on Craven Road, though the partners will be visiting areas across the Ward.

Council teams involved in the day will include Environmental Health, Waste and Recycling, Housing Communities and Projects as well as partners including Rugby’s Safer Neighbourhoods policing team, the Benn Partnership Centre and ward councillors.

The Benn Ward ward walk is an opportunity to understand specific issues within the ward, encourage residents to take responsibility for their neighbourhoods and enable communities to participate in looking after where they live and work.

The Ward Walk will take place on Thursday 20 July from 3:30pm to 7pm. Refreshments will be available in the gazebo at Millennium Green.