The workstreams and their objectives are:
Public Realm
Creation of a high quality and better connected public realm across the town centre
- Create accessible and high quality places to build civic pride, to attract visitors, workers and residents and to increase dwell time and improve health and wellbeing.
- Create a public realm that reflects the heritage of Rugby.
- Provide opportunities for active travel.
- Ensure that all improvements are adaptable to climate changes.
- Integrate water management, biodiversity, air quality priorities, renewable energy creation as part of healthy streets and spaces.
- Enhancing and connecting green spaces across the town centre.
- Provide clear priorities for improvements and direction for future developments within Rugby town centre.
Community Safety
To identify options to further enhance town centre community safety.Meanwhile Uses
Short term interventions to create opportunities for enhancements and trials of new uses and concepts to promote activity in the town centre.
- Boost the visitor economy and increase footfall and dwell time in the town centre, including through town centre events.
- Reduce shop vacancy by introducing temporary alternative uses (music, art, pop-up shop, etc.)
- Improve the look of buildings across the town centre.
- Have a successful and thriving outdoor market provision.
- Support the growth of a Rugby indoor market and other start up facilities.
- Enhance diversity and inclusion within the town centre.
Business Hub / Incubator Unit
A physical hub for business and community support with private and public sector partners.
- Provide a space for start-ups and early-stage businesses with support and resource.
- Provide a collaborative ecosystem that fosters innovation, drives economic growth and creates a sustainable and prosperous business environment for all stakeholders involved.
Creative and Marketing
To positively influence people’s associations and feelings about the Council and the town centre regeneration.
- Promote Rugby town centre as a place to visit, live, do business and invest.
- Positively market Rugby as an investment opportunity.
- Positively influence people’s perception of and association with Rugby and its town centre.
- Provide confidence to the public and potential investors that Rugby Borough Council can deliver on its aspirations and is a successful partner to collaborate with.
- Support Rugby town centre retailers in promoting their businesses.
Business Engagement
- To ensure that local businesses are involved and supported in the delivery of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy.
- To encourage new businesses to locate in the town centre.
- To build sustainable relationships with stakeholders who have a connection to the town centre.
Station Gateway
- Deliver significant change in creating a high quality arrival and interchange experience.
- To ensure that the railway station has a sense of arrival as a gateway to the town centre.
- To ensure better connectivity to the town centre by improving transport, cycleways and footways.
- To ensure the development potential in and around the railway station is realised.
- Improve air quality and address traffic congestion.
Sustainable Transport and Modal Shift
Shift transportation relying on the private car to greener, more sustainable and economic options.
- To ensure that sustainable transport is a first choice for those living and visiting the town centre in line with the climate emergency, air quality and wider Council aspirations.
- Promote opportunities for Active Travel.
- To ensure potential routes are destination led.
- Ensure that all workstreams within the Action Plan enable modal shift and sustainable transport.
Councillor/Internal Engagement (Governance)
- Ensure there is cross party support for the delivery of the Action Plan and Town Centre Regeneration Strategy.
- Ensure that the delivery of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy is undertaken using a project management approach with the ability to make decisions.
- Ensure engagement with wider Member group.
- Oversee the delivery of the Town Centre workstreams.
- Councillors who sit on the Town Centre Regeneration Working Group are:
- Cllr Jerry Roodhouse (Chair)
- Cllr Ian Picker
- Cllr Michael Moran
- Cllr John Slinger
- Cllr Derek Poole
- Cllr Neil Sandison
Planning Document/Status
Documents required in order to facilitate development and realise the regeneration potential within the town centre.
- To ensure that the new Local Plan supports the delivery of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and ensure that any Supplementary Planning Documents are developed which will guide development and improve the look of the town centre and its connectivity and useability.
- Ensure planning policies support and assists delivery of regeneration.
- Ensure the Council has a satisfactory planning framework in the interim before the new Local Plan is adopted to de-risk development and remove barriers.
Health Facilities
To provide opportunities for expansion and co-location of health services within the town centre.Education
To integrate higher, further and vocational education facilities within the town centre.Voluntary and Community Sector and DWP
- To ensure facilities within the town centre meet the needs of our residents.
- To create opportunities for co-location of services where possible.
Communication Strategy
To update residents, businesses and partners of the progress of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy workstreams.Community Stakeholder Engagement
To identify community stakeholders to involve them in the progression of the town centre regeneration.Asset Strategy
To ensure that the best use of the Council’s Assets is realised to deliver physical regeneration in the town centre.Development Site Delivery Plan
Ensure delivery of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy development sites are realised and deliver physical regeneration in the town centre.Town Centre Civic and Cultural Assets
- To ensure that the best use of the Council’s Assets is realised to deliver physical regeneration in the town centre.
- To ensure that the Council’s cultural and civic offer acts as a catalyst for visitor activity.
Car Park Review
- To ensure that the best use of the Council’s Assets is realised to deliver physical regeneration in the town centre.
- Car parking provision meets the needs of the town centre and opportunities for electric charging are maximised.