Public Realm
Public Realm Masterplan
The Council has commissioned a town centre public realm masterplan which will build upon the high-level public realm framework within the Rugby Town Centre Regeneration Strategy (2022). It will consider and address opportunities that could arise from the delivery of high-quality public realm including:
Creating an accessible environment
Opportunities to mitigate the impact of climate change and support a low carbon town centre
Providing reasons to pause, dwell and enjoy the town centre
Encouraging people to explore and discover the town centre
Considering how public space can be activated and used to encourage social connections and grow and encourage new experiences in the town centre
Promote links between high quality environments such as our beautiful parks and green spaces with consideration of people’s health and wellbeing; and
Promote and enhance Rugby’s heritage
Planit.I.E. are undertaking this work for the Council and a public consultation event will be carried out in the near future.
Works to existing spaces
Officers within the council are working together alongside the Working Group to identify and deliver improvements to existing open spaces within the Town Centre. For example, a new entrance to Caldecott Park on Park Road and improvements to St. Andrews Gardens/Trinity Garden Churchyard. Short term public realm improvements and maintenance throughout the town centre is also being investigated.Improvements undertaken to date
Over the past year various projects have been funded and completed and we are already seeing the benefit of these within the Town Centre. These projects include:
Replacement festival lighting which will now be used on an annual basis
New market stalls and equipment
Public Realm Improvements – Bicentenary of the game of Rugby