We publish information about all payments made to suppliers with a value of £500 or more (inclusive of VAT).
Spreadsheets listing the payments have been compiled for each month based on transactions entered directly on to the council's financial systems.
You can download the spreadsheets from the table below. A guide to understanding the information can be found below the table.
'Organisation' - name of organisation making the payment; Rugby Borough Council.
'Expense Area' - the service the expenditure relates to.
'Cost Centre' - the system code assigned to the expense area/service.
'Expense Type' - the nature of the expenditure.
'Account Code' - the system code assigned to the expense type. Note - codes commencing with a '5' represent capital expenditure. All other codes represent revenue.
'Amount ' - the amount paid to a supplier. Note - amounts less than £500 have been published when the invoice in total amounts to more than £500 but the goods/services relate to more than one expense area. Information has been extracted on the basis of payment amounts being £500+ inclusive of VAT, but the amounts shown in this column exclude VAT (where VAT's applicable).
'Supplier Name' - identifies the supplier to whom the payment was made. Note - 'redacted personal data' refers to data which has been protected. We're currently waiting for agreement to publish the details of some individuals.
'Supplier ID' - identifies the ID assigned to the supplier.
'Pay Date' - Date the transaction took place.
'Transaction No.' - reference number for each transaction.