1. Right to Buy application (16 December)
  2. Right to Buy application (16 December)
  3. Right to Buy application (16 December)
  4. Purchase of property in Thomas Way, Long Lawford (4 December 2020)
  5. Right to Buy application (30 November)
  6. Purchase of property in Cawston Lane, Dunchurch (20 November 2020)
  7. Purchase of property in Edmondson Close, Rugby (29 October 2020)
  8. Licence to access land known as Cattle Market or Market Quarter for the purpose of site investigations (29 October 2020)
  9. Section 106 agreement - SW Rugby employment land north of Coventry Road, Thurlaston - R16-2569 (15 October 2020)
  10. Section 106 agreement - former Oakfield Recreation Ground, Bilton Road, Rugby - R19-1164 (15 October 2020)
  11. Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme (12 October 2020)
  12. Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme - Report
  13. Ernest Hawk Professional Indemnity Insurance (1 October 2020)
  14. Amendments to the consultation draft of the South West Rugby Supplementary Planning Document (28 September 2020)
  15. Revised Draft South West Rugby Supplementary Planning Document - Table of Amendments
  16. Release of covenant on land adjoining 29 Handleys Close, Ryton on Dunsmore (17 September 2020)
  17. Licence to access land known as the Cattle Market or Market Quarter for the purpose of site investigations (15 September 2020)
  18. Sale of land at the rear of 17-18 Townsends Close Burton Hastings (14 September 2020)
  19. Purchase of property in Woodside Park (9 September 2020)
  20. Section 106 Agreement for the former Cattle Market, Craven Road, Rugby (8 September 2020)
  21. Renewal of seven year lease of property in Moultrie Road, Rugby, to Rethink (1 September 2020)
  22. Purchase of property in Patterdale, Rugby (4 August 2020)
  23. Temporary lease of land adjoining The Seven Stars, James Street, Rugby (4 August 2020)
  24. Purchase of property in Oliver Street, Rugby (29 July 2020)
  25. Sale of land at the rear of the former surgery Bow Fell, Brownsover (22 July 2020)
  26. Purchase of property in Don Cerce Close, Rugby (16 July 2020)
  27. Purchase of property in Jenkins Road, Rugby (14 July 2020)
  28. Purchase of property in Avon Court, Rugby (8 July 2020)
  29. Right to Buy application (6 July 2020)
  30. Purchase of property in Adkinson Avenue, Rugby (17 June 2020)
  31. Allocation of budget for new website and integrated customer relationship management systems (17 June 2020)
  32. Allocation of budget for new website and integrated customer relationship management systems - Report
  33. Proposal for a new all in one web and email security platform (17 June 2020)
  34. Proposal for a new all in one web and email security platform - Report
  35. Appendix A - Equality Impact Assessment
  36. Right to Buy application (17 June 2020)
  37. Right to Buy application (16 June 2020)
  38. Purchase of property in Stowe Drive, Rugby (16 June 2020)
  39. Temporary Appointment to Dunchurch Parish Council (15 June 2020)
  40. Temporary Appointment to Dunchurch Parish Council - Report
  41. Appendix A - Temporary Appointment of Members Order
  42. Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme – Loan Agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (9 June 2020)
  43. Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme – Loan Agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust - Report
  44. Appendix A - Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust information
  45. Discretionary Grants Policy (9 June 2020)
  46. Discretionary Grants Policy - Report
  47. Appendix 1 - application criteria
  48. Appendix 2 - application form
  49. Appendix 3 - Equality Impact Assessment
  50. Appendix 4 - Guidance from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  51. Purchase of property in Stowe Drive, Rugby (3 June 2020)
  52. Council Tax Hardship Fund (COVID-19 Support) (29 May 2020)
  53. Council Tax Hardship Fund (COVID-19 Support) - Report
  54. Appendix 1 - Discretionary Reduction in Council Tax Liability Policy
  55. Appendix 2 - Guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
  56. Appointment of Executive Director (7 May 2020)
  57. Right to Buy application (4 May 2020)
  58. Purchase of four Persimmon Homes' properties on phase 2 of Coton Park development (29 April 2020)
  59. Purchase of ten Persimmon Homes' properties on phase 2 of Coton Park development (29 April 2020)
  60. Right to Buy application (22 April 2020)
  61. Right to Buy application (20 April 2020)
  62. Right to Buy application (20 April 2020)
  63. Extension of public consultation on Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (17 April 2020)
  64. Purchase of property in Cambridge Street, Rugby (9 April 2020)
  65. Revision of the fee for wasp treatment (3 April 2020)
  66. Right to Buy application (24 March 2020)
  67. Three-month payment holiday for commercial rents owed to Rugby Borough Council from April 2020 (24 March 2020)
  68. Right to Buy application (23 March 2020)
  69. Right to Buy application (23 March 2020)
  70. Right to Buy application (23 March 2020)
  71. Right to Buy application (23 March 2020)
  72. Right to Buy application (23 March 2020)
  73. Purchase of property in Hudson Road, Rugby (18 March 2020)
  74. Purchase of property in Hudson Road, Rugby (17 March 2020)
  75. Appointment of contractor to carry out electrical work at Lesley Souter House and Tanser Court (17 March 2020)
  76. Appointment of contractor to carry out electrical work at Albert Square (17 March 2020)
  77. Appointment of contractor to carry out electrical work at unoccuipied sites (17 March 2020)
  78. Right to Buy application (16 March 2020)
  79. Temporary occupation of The Lawn and Retreat (ground floor only) by Hope4 (12 March 2020)
  80. Licence to Maxxwave Limited to allow temporary access to Rugby Art Gallery and Museum to install telecommunication equipment (12 March 2020)
  81. Extension of Oneserve contract (12 March 2020)
  82. Appointment of consultant to carry out community infrastructure support services (11 March 2020)
  83. Appointment of consultant to carry out advice services (11 March 2020)
  84. Right to Buy application (9 March 2020)
  85. Right to Buy application (4 March 2020)
  86. Right to Buy application (4 March 2020)
  87. Licence for temporary access to overhead electricity cables over council-owned land east of the A426 and east of Helmdon Close (3 March 2020)
  88. Right to Buy application (2 March 2020)
  89. Purchase of property in Norman Road, Rugby (28 February 2020)
  90. Wayleave Agreement for new BT telegraph pole to link with North Street car park (28 February 2020)
  91. Purchase of property in Norman Road, Rugby (28 February 2020)
  92. Settlement agreement (27 February 2020)
  93. Appointment of broker to advise on risk and insurance cover and queries (27 February 2020)
  94. Purchase of property in Buchanan Road, Rugby (19 February 2020)
  95. Appointment of consultant to carry out work in relation to the redevelopment of Bell House (18 February 2020)
  96. Appointment of contractor for the demolition of Perkins Grove garages (18 February 2020)
  97. Licence to Occupy in respect of Eastern Pitch, Webb Ellis Road, Rugby with Rugby Lions Football Club Limited (13 February 2020)
  98. IKEN End User Software Licence and Services Agreement (13 February 2020)
  99. Bell House Section 106 Agreement (10 February 2020)
  100. Variation to existing G-Cloud contract for additional services (5 February 2020)
  101. Firmstep contract for the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system (29 January 2020)
  102. Adoption of Coton Park East Supplementary Planning Document (27 January 2020)
  103. Adoption of Coton Park East Supplementary Planning Document - Table of Amendments (27 January 2020)