FIVE green flags for Rugby's parks and open spaces 

A RECORD breaking FIVE parks and open spaces in Rugby have been given the prestigious Green Flag status, up from two last year and only one the year before.
18 July 2017

Keep Britain Tidy, the charity that runs the scheme, has awarded Green Flags to Caldecott Park, for the tenth consecutive year, and again to Centenary Park in Newbold, which was first given the status last year, just months after opening.

Millennium Green, off Craven Road and Gladstone Green in New Bilton now have Green Flag status for the first time, while the grounds of the Rainsbrook Crematorium also received a Green Flag.

Gladstone Geen received a special community award, reflecting the smaller nature of the park and the involvement of the community in running the park and keeping it maintained.

Cllr Lisa Parker, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and public realm, said: "I am thrilled that our commitment to provide quality open spaces that our communities use and enjoy has been recognised with these five green flags.

"The Green Flag awards are a great tribute to the hard work of our parks and cleansing teams, but particularly to the volunteers and residents who contribute so much to making them places we can be proud of.

"Groups such as Benn's Friends, at Millennium Green, and the Newbold On Avon Community Partnership, at Centenary Park, help us create spaces that their communities value, and also help to bring in external funding."

Speaking about the Green Flag for the newly built Rainsbrook Crematorium, Cllr Parker added: "Right from the design stage we have worked with our colleagues at Daventry District Council to make sure that the crematorium had a peaceful setting over-looking the Rainsbrook valley.

"The landscaping and the Diamond Wood below the site have really developed over the last few years, and the Green Flag award is richly deserved."

Paul Todd, International Green Flag Award scheme manager, said: “We are delighted to be celebrating another record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award scheme. 

“Each flag is a celebration of the thousands of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award.

"The success of the scheme, especially in these challenging times, demonstrates just how much parks matter to people.” 

The Green Flag Awards aim to raise standards in parks and green spaces across the country, promoting well-maintained and well-managed parks with excellent facilities.

Judges assess each park put forward for the award against eight strict criteria, including horticultural standards, cleanliness, sustainability and community involvement.

Millennium Green includes children's play areas, raised herb and vegetable beds, a multi use games area and an open area for informal use. Judges described the park as one of the nicest they had seen, and were impressed by the passion shown by the volunteers that they met.

Gladstone Green, in New Bilton, is host to community growing raised beds and holds regular community events such as the "Dad digs" days. The judges were particularly impressed with the edible hedge and the involvement of partners.

Centenary Park was designed, created and renamed last year, and is located on part of the old Parkfield Road allotment site.

Caldecott Park, in Rugby town centre, is visited more than half a million times each year and hosts events such as open air theatre and live bands.