Future secure for museum collections
Future secure for museum collections
Rugby's museum and Floor One art gallery are to reopen within the Rugby Art Gallery and Museum building later this year, following a period of closure to allow installation of the World Rugby Hall of Fame within the existing museum space.
The leader's group was set up by Cllr Michael Stokes, leader of Rugby Borough Council, following unanimous approval of the World Rugby Hall of Fame at a recent council meeting. It consists of Cllr Stokes, Cllr Jerry Roodhouse, Cllr Claire Edwards and Cllr Howard Roberts, who are the leaders of all four political groups on the council. Together they will oversee changes to the art gallery and museum service.
Cllr Stokes said: "Councillors have been very clear that, while the World Rugby Hall of Fame will be a fantastic addition to the town centre, Rugby has a rich industrial and social heritage that we must not lose sight of.
I am very pleased that we have found a way to redisplay the popular social history and archaeological collections within the art gallery and museum building.
"Our plans mean that all of the collections will be back on display by the end of the year."
The Floor One art gallery will close on 10 June to provide art gallery and museum staff a clear space to archive, store and redisplay museum artefacts, but will reopen for hirers once this work is complete.
The Tripontium Roman history and Jack Lucas archaeology displays will be relocated to the second floor balcony area, and the social history collection will be redisplayed in part of the second floor exhibition space.
The museum displays and the art gallery will reopen by the end of September 2016.
Cllr Stokes added: "The plan we have developed will mean that our successful education programme will be able to continue, and there will also be space for events and activities.
"By making sure all of the collections are easily removable, we will be able to rotate the displays and use the exhibition areas for larger scale events should we wish to.
Our task now is to develop a medium term plan that will increase public engagement and enjoyment of the collections over the next few years."