Half-term Halloween fun at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum

RUGBY Art Gallery and Museum has a host of Halloween fun to keep children entertained during the half-term holiday.
19 October 2021

Creepy Creations includes a Sensory Splat messy play session on Monday (25 October) from 10.30am to 11.30am, offering babies and toddlers a Halloween-themed hour of creative play. Places cost £5.60 per child, with all participants encouraged to bring a change of clothing.

A Wicked Hats craft workshop from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Tuesday (26 October) gives children the chance to make a witch or wizard hat (£1.50 per child), and on Wednesday (27 October) a Sensory Open Play session encourages children to create and play with fabric, colour and shape from 10am to 12 noon (£1 per child).

The Art Gallery and Museum team joins forces with the council's Play Rangers on Thursday (28 October) for the Witches and Wizards Activity Day at the Benn Hall. Admission costs £3 per child and can be booked online at www.bennhall.com

The Creepy Creations programme returns to the Art Gallery and Museum on Friday (29 October) with a Mindful Colouring session, where children can collect pattern colouring sheets inspired by Zarah Hussain's Light Upon Light exhibition, currently on display in the Art Gallery.

The free, self-led session runs from 10am to 5pm. 

On Saturday (30 October), a free Relaxed Hour workshop from 3pm to 4pm gives children the chance to create a range of Halloween crafts in a calm and quiet environment.

The Relaxed Hour sessions have been developed in line with the autism guidelines published by Kids in Museums and in partnership with the Rugby Autism Network.

Throughout half-term, children visiting the venue can join a free Pumpkin Faces Hunt, searching for pumpkins hidden throughout the Art Gallery and Museum, drawing the pumpkin faces and entering a prize draw.

Places at Sensory Splat, Wicked Hats, Sensory Open Play and the Relaxed Hour must be booked in advance. Places can be booked online at www.ragm.co.uk/holiday-activities or by calling Rugby Visitor Centre on (01788) 533217.

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all activities.

Cllr Howard Roberts, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for leisure and wellbeing, said: "Rugby Art Gallery and Museum's creative play sessions received national recognition at this year's Kids in Museums Conference, and the team has developed another packed programme for the half-term holiday.

"The activities and workshops aim to inspire and entertain, giving children the chance to get creative in the run-up to Halloween."

For more information about exhibitions and events at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, visit www.ragm.co.uk