Herb garden replaces paving at the Pleasance

A herb garden that residents can tend, pick and cook with has replaced an extensive paved area in a busy part of the town centre.
17 March 2014

The Pleasance, adjacent to the old Holy Trinity churchyard on Church Street, has had new planters installed by the borough council's parks team. The first herbs have been planted by Cllr Dr Mark Williams, Rugby Borough Council's portfolio holder for the environment, and Cllr Neil Sandison, a ward councillor for the area.

Cllr Dr Mark Williams said: "Gardening is one of the most popular pasttimes and is also great exercise. Now, everyone can take part - and yes, residents are allowed to take the herbs and use them."

Cllr Neil Sandison said: "The Pleasance is a prominent part of Church Street on a main route into town, and these borders are much more attractive than the paving they replace.

"The borders are a better use of this space, and offer residents a great opportunity to get involved in looking after them."

The herb garden is the first planting area to be completed and planted as part of Rugby Borough Council's edible gardening project. More borders have been installed in Caldecott Park, and the council is also working with the New Bilton Community Association to provide raised beds.

To find out more about the edible gardening project email talkinthepark@rugby.gov.uk or tweet @RBCParkLife.

Picture caption: Cllr Neil Sandison and Cllr Dr Mark Williams help the council's parks team plant the new herb garden at the Pleasance.