Newsbite: New Leader and Cabinet for Rugby Borough Council 

COUNCILLOR Derek Poole, Leader of the Conservative Group, has been elected Leader of Rugby Borough Council. Cllr Poole was elected at the Annual Council meeting held on Thursday (18 May).
18 May 2023

As Leader of the Council Cllr Poole may appoint members of Cabinet. He has appointed Cllr Ian Picker to the role of Deputy Leader. Cllr Picker will also be Portfolio Holder for Growth and Investment.

Cllr Carolyn Robbins retains her role as Portfolio Holder for Finance, Performance, Legal and Governance.

Cllr Adam Daly has been appointed Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, Cllr Tim Willis becomes Portfolio Holder for Communities, Homes, Digital and Communications, and Cllr Carolyn Watson-Merret has been appointed Portfolio Holder for Operations and Traded Services. 

Cllr Poole retains his previous role as Portfolio Holder for Regulation and Safety, while also taking on the Change and Transformation portfolio.

Immediately following the Annual Council meeting, the following committees met and elected their Chairs. They are:

  • Cllr Mistry, Chair of Scrutiny Committee
  • Cllr Mrs A'Barrow, Chair of Licensing Committee
  • Cllr Gillias, Chair of Planning Committee