Community rooms

Community rooms at our sheltered housing provide a place for tenants to hold social activities or to simply meet and have a chat.

Independent Living Co-ordinators (ILCs) work with tenants to organise activities, either formally - through a committee - or informally.

ILCs have responsibility for the management of sheltered housing community rooms.

Laundry facilities

Tenants at our sheltered housing have exclusive use of the laundry facilities.

To minimise inconvenience, we encourage tenants to:

  • remove washing from machines promptly after the washing/drying cycle has finished
  • clean soap dispenser drawers after the washing cycle has finished

Tenants can use communal drying areas on a first come, first served basis. Out of courtesy to other tenants, please ensure you bring your washing in once it's dry.

Guest bedrooms

Some of the council's sheltered housing schemes have a guest bedroom available for friends and relatives visiting tenants for a short period.

The council charges a small fee for this service. Bookings and payments can be made via the warden or by calling (01788) 533375.

Communal heating

The sheltered housing schemes at Tanser Court, Albert Square and Lesley Souter House all benefit from communal heating and hot water systems.

The council charges a non-rebatable service charge for heating and hot water at these schemes.


Parking spaces at sheltered housing operate on a first come, first served basis.

The council does not allocate parking spaces at sheltered housing and does not arbitrate in disputes over parking.

Tenants and visitors to sheltered housing should:

  • ensure emergency vehicles can access the site
  • reserve disabled parking spaces for the disabled




The council maintains communal gardens at sheltered housing.

Tenants have responsibility for maintaining private gardens attached to their property according to the standards set out in the tenancy agreement.

The council provides and replenishes grit bins at sheltered housing schemes, but does not have responsibility for gritting paths.